
(513) 341-5588

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(513) 341-5588

Serving West Chester area Since 2010

Hail Damage

Heavy Winds, Damaging Storms and Hail can Compromise Your Roof

Has your home or business been exposed to extreme weather? Conditions such as strong winds, heavy rains and hail can cause damage to any roof, no matter the age. Even harsh extremes of heat and cold may cause the need for roof repairs. Once the time arrives to replace your roof, it is best not delay before damage occurs to other parts of your home or business.
In every house or building’s lifetime, a roof replacement is needed. There are certain signs that indicate a roof needs replacing including age of the roof, missing or torn shingles, extreme weather conditions exposing part of the house or building from the top.
At Kaiser Roof and Exteriors, we realize that it’s not easy to tell when your roof needs replaced. That’s why we offer free roof inspections and evaluations, conducted by our professional team. Each of our accurate inspections will analyze the state of your shingles, gutters and siding, looking for any weather or water damage.
If your property has experienced storm damage, it’s important to have your property inspected before you call your insurance company and file a claim.
In fact, our experience and knowledge of insurance companies will help eliminate the stress and confusion that can come with filing an insurance claim. Throughout the entire project, we will work as your advocate by corresponding directly with the insurance company, filing all required paperwork and completing the inspections with the adjuster.
We aim to help make the insurance process easier for you. And best of all, we do not require any payment until compensation for the damage to your property has been determined.

Contact Us For Free Inspection Today (513) 341-5588

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